Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lord, You are Good

So this past Monday marked 4 years since Leisha ran right into her SAVIOR'S arms. I miss her dearly as many of you know, but it gets easier. I know that if she were able to talk to me she would tell me not to be depressed and to live life to the fullest so this is what I plan on continuing to do.
This year God put the people in my life that would be the most help and comfort and I am forever grateful. Amber, Lydia, Mack, Dori, Yoshi, Christa, Ella, and Victoria you rule!

On a happier note, TFC Leader's Training was this past weekend and it was awesome. Great bonding with the other leaders, and great times of worship. It was just awesome! The Lord moved and it was great. I am so pumped for this next year. Shawnee Jr. High chapter baby!

Lord, use me in that chapter. Build me up and prepare me for the work You want me to do. Help me to be a Godly example to those young teens and help me to be able to point them to You. Don't let it be me there but You shining through me. Father, You are going to do mighty things this year and I am so excited!

So all around from April till now life has been good. I finished school, got my credentials to teach preschool/ be a child care provider, completed classes and I am now certified in CPR, and God has done some awesome things. Life is good! (But eternal life is better!)

I guess that is really all I have for now.
Dependent on God