Tuesday, August 16, 2011

5 Years Gone By. Love you Leisha

Today is a hard day. But God will get me through. Just like He has for the past 5 years. He is such a good and faithful God!

Sparkling Tears
By: Sarah Smith

Memories flash before my mind’s eye
Wanting more time, I could never buy
I remember the smile on her lovely face
Dressed with the beauty of God’s grace
The way her smile would light the sky
All these memories, Oh dear God, why?

These sparkling tears pour down my cheeks
I try to cry out, my voice instead just squeaks
My hurt heart is full of these soft tender weeps
I cry out, these sparkling tears on my cheeks

Years move forward, I knew they would
Feeling so lost, and very misunderstood
I remember her laugh, it brightened days
Lighting rooms like the sun’s bright rays
Trying to move on, wondering if I could
All I hear, “God works things for good”

These sparkling tears pour from my eyes
Turning my face to the bright blue skies
Begging for God to answers all the whys
I cry out, sparkling tears from my eyes

I look at the green light, a sign of hope
Knowing its no longer the time to mope
I remember the wisdom she said to me
Knowing that God’s grace as the key
Pushing through pain, trying to cope
Trusting that God is holding the rope

These sparkling tears flow from my heart
God was holding them from the very start
Placing them in a box, covered in His art
He says it’s ok and now I need to restart
I laugh loud, the sparking tears now depart