Friday, November 6, 2009

God Speak

God can speak to you anytime, anywhere, about anything. Today at work I was pushing a little girl, lets call her Gracie, on the swing. Well before long all the others girls ran over and got on the other swings wanted me to push them too. So I ran up and down behind the swings pushing the girls. Then Gracie did something strange. She stopped her swing, turned around, and climbed back on facing the opposite direction from everybody else. Now as the person pushing the swings what she did made my job so much harder and really kinda annoying. So I told her to turn around and face the other way. When she asked why I said, "because everyone else is and it makes it easier." As she was turning back around the words I had spoken hit me. How many times are we are Christians told to conform to the patterns of this world because it is easier. Or because everyone else is? How many times do we try to go against the grain and be different? God spoke to me so clearly in that moment. It really made me stop and think about my life. Do I dare to be different, to live for Him and go against the grain? Or to I conform and compromise to fit in with this world?
Romans 12:2.


  1. i love this.
    i LOVE when realizations hit me like that out of something so simple that happens in daily life.
