Sunday, October 11, 2009

How Can I Help?

My friend texted me the other day and was telling me that her world is falling apart and nothing is going right. She said that she is losing everything and she wonders sometimes if life is even worth it. That pained me to hear and as any Christian friend would I started doing two things. 1. Praying for her and 2. I told her it would all be ok. Now here is the thing, she replied back asking me how I knew that.
I wanted so bad to tell her Romans 8:28 "And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." The problem with that is that promise to work all things together for good, is for believers and sadly though she may think so this girl is not saved. I say that because their is no evidence of Christ in her life. She says that she is getting better from how she used to be, and that maybe true. Maybe she doesnt cuss so much, maybe she isn't a slut. But she is still living in sin and still following flesh rather then God. She has no promise that it is going to be ok.
In Ecclesiastes 1:2 it says " 'Vanity of vanities.' says the Preacher. 'Vanity of vanities! All is vanity.' " now the orignal Hewbrew word for vanity actually ment futial, useless, pointless. The book goes on to talk about how without Christ life has no purpose and no real point. So really, how can I tell her that everything is going to be ok for her when at this point in her life, she is not promised that?
In stead I told her Romans 8:28 and then added that that promise is for God's people. That if she surrenders her life, heart, soul to the Lord. Believes that Jesus died on the cross to take away her sins, and truely loves Him and means it when she repents of those sins asking Him to forgive her, then that promise is for her. I know there is more that needs to be said. She needs to hear more about who Christ is and what He did for her on the cross.
As her friend, and as someone who has a heart for the last, I do not want this girl to spend all of eternity in hell. I want to help her find the truth. But here is the million dollar question. How do you help someone see the truth when they believe that they already have it because of things they were told that are simple not true. Things like if you go to church and do good things then you will go to heaven. How can I help?

If you could please pray for my friend that would be great. If you could also pray for me that I may have wisdom on what to say to her that would be great too.

Peace, Love, and Hope

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