Saturday, October 3, 2009

What Do You Say?

When someone who trusts you and calls you a friend, but you do not feel that way about them, comes over and tells you about all the negitive things in their life; tells how everyone and everything is against them; tells you what people are saying about them and you agree with the other people; what do you say? When they are crying and pooring out their heart and all you want to say is "They're right." what do you say? When you know you need to say something, you know that if you are really a true friend you will tell them what they need to hear regardless if they like it or not, what do you say? When they are being self-centered, spoiled, annoying, overly dramatic, and acting like they are the victom when they are the villian, what do you say? When you share the love of Christ and they think they are already saved and have all the answers, what do you say? When you want to tell them what you are really thinking, but dont want to hurt them, what do you say?
What do you say?


  1. good question.
    i believe i've been caught in that situation before but not done much about it.
    therefore...i have no answer.
    thats tough

  2. well at least im not alone. that helps.

  3. yeah haha. sorry i cant give much more than that
