Friday, December 18, 2009

God is Awesome!!!

Last night at 11:30pm until now, 1:00pm has just been like a giant me and God time, even though I have been talking to friends during that time. We have just been talking about some serious issues and keeping God the center and it has just been so amazing! God is AWESOME! There are no words to discribe what this is like! I want to bottle this feeling and keep it always...wait...why do I say then when as long as I am spending time with Him i am feeling this way. I'll just continue to spend time with Him! I know that is easier said then done, but really why? I love Him. I want to spend time with Him. So I'm going to!!!

Empty Me- Jeremy Camp

1 comment:

  1. this makes me happy!! i love it! and i know the feeling you are talking about and i looove that.
