Friday, February 26, 2010

Another Lesson from a Preschooler

This story happened a few weeks ago, I have just been so crazy busy that I never got a chance to post it before.
In the 3-year-old class (where I am now permantly stationed as Teacher's Aide, I got promoted) the children were making Clifford heads out of red hearts for the head, half of a pink heart for the earts, and black hearts for the nose and eyes. Anyway there was one kid that insisted he put one of the ears upside-down and attach it to Clifford's chin. We tried to correct him but he put it back how he wanted. We let it go and decided to ask him why it was so important to him that he place the ear where he had. His reply "I want to be different. I don't want to be like everyone else." Powerful words when you think about it.
This 3-year-old understood what so many Jr. High, Highschool, and even College students, as well as some adults, can never seem to grasp. Everyone is different. You don't have to be like everyone else. There is nothing wrong with doing your own thing.
Another thing that really hit me, much like the girl on the swing, is that as Christians we arent supposed to be like everyone else. We are supposed to be different. Why is it that so many Christians are afraid to step out, and be different?
As the kids left that day I really thought about the words of that 3-year-old boy and I thought, "Am I doing that? Am I boldly being different? Am I afraid to take that stand for Christ and not be afraid to stand out?" I don't know if I am totally there yet, but I am trying. We are "in this world but not of it". Let's take a stand, and embrace that. "Don't be afraid to stand out. That's how the lost get found."

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