Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Best Friend (or really Best FriendS)

Calls me out on my crap. Criticises as much as compliments. Can carry a meaningful conversation without needing be be prodded because they genuinely want to be in a conversation with me. Don't make me feel like a know it all or like I am stupid. Prays for and with me. Can talk deep Spiritual matters with me. Brings God into every conversation because they love Him as much as I do. Agrees that our friendship needs to be based on our mutual love for God first and foremost. Loves me no matter what. Puts up with my sarcasm and teasing and actually engages in it and encourages it. Someone I can have stupid meaningless fights with because it's all in good fun. Texts me just to say they saw or heard something and thought of me or because they just want me to have a good day or because they are praying for me. Someone who will call me, or answer their phone, at 2 am because I am crying and I need them. Some one who will say "Sarah, you need to talk with God about this." Or "Get in the Word you idiot! No wonder you feel like crap!" Someone I can smile at and be all "hey I'm totally happy and great" and they say "tell the truth" or "can you give me a real genuine smile?" Someone who knows how to push my buttons but doesn't unless they are trying to make a point. Someone I can have an hour long conversation with about the letter "Q". Someone who calls me weird or a loser then gives me a hug. Someone who I have so many inside jokes with we can almost talk in code. Someone who either is a fellow JB fan or has respect for them simply because I love JB and that friend loves me. Someone who calls me and leaves messages on my phone about how I am a sugar plum princess and they are a peppermint fairy simply because they love Christmas and want me to feel the love. Someone who puts me in a head lock because "you were standing there and I had the urge". Someone who pounds on my back so hard I feel like it might break because "you are such an easy target". Someone I can lean on and say "You are so stupid" and they put their arm around me in return. Someone who can look me in the eye and say "I promise you. Friends forever." then continually proves it time and time again. Someone who I can call a complete loser and they reply with "I know. You are a winner though.". Someone who can cheer me up with a story about kittens, but can also crush me by not answering a text within an hour of said text being sent. Someone who let's me belt out Taylor Swift randomly and joins in even though we are in public just because I felt like it. Someone who will go along with my crazy schemes, even at 3am. Someone who can be having a conversation with someone else and doesn't say a word to me but slings their arm over my shoulder to let me know that they realise I am there and don't want me to leave. Someone who greats me with "Yo Loser Face!" or "Hello my gorgeous darling how art thou this lovely day?" Someone who totally gets me in every aspect of my life not just the side that I show via IM or texting because they are aware that I have many layers and only someone truly close to me can see and fully know all those layers. Someone who meets me at McDonald's or Taco Bell on their only day off because I really need some ice-cream, fries, or a taco and I don't want to go alone. Someone who lends me $3 for a necklace I have been saving for then they raised the price on me, and they never really expect me to pay them back. Someone I can lend $20 bucks to and when they pay me back 4 months later I go. "Oh right. I forgot about that. Oh well. Thanks for the cash!" Someone who can make me laugh when i don't want to. Someone who cries with me and laughs with me. Someone who threatens to hunt down and kill my LONG passed crush because he didn't realise me when I was 11. Someone who tells me to pick the time and place and they will help me bury the body of the person I want to kill. Someone who gets my humor and never rolls their eyes or says "whatever" at a joke I tell but instead groans if it is really lame or laughs. Someone who tries to convince me that my dad really is funny. Someone who knows that they have to ask me the same question about 10 times before I will really give them an answer just because I am testing to see how much they care. Someone I cry over when I think about moving or them moving. Someone I text constantly and when I ask "am I being annoying?" they say "Yes. But it's ok.". Someone who tells me to just suck it up and get over what is bothering me when it really isn't that important. Someone who can name my favorite movie or show just because I quote it all the time and they find it annoying. Someone who rolls their eyes and groans when they hear me explain where I got my name from... again. Someone who knows all my secret dreams and encourages them and when I start doubting them they tell me that I am being stupid and they will happen. Someone who tells me that I am their favorite then turns around and tells my other friend that they are really their favorite. Someone who prank calls me at odd hours just because they were bored and had nothing else to do. Someone who sits with me all alone at Taco Bell at 11:00 at night and decides that we will start a club just because. Someone who I can mock forever over something they did a year or more before and they don't care because they have amo on me too. Someone who tells me to get off my lazy butt and go to prayer because I need it and they miss me. Someone who can make me feel guilty just by raising an eyebrow. Someone who has the power to make me cry and laugh at the same time. Someone who will stay up way later then they want to to help me solve a problem. Someone who lets me rock out in their car in a parking lot, in the middle of a storm because I locked my keys in my car and I am stuck there until my dad gets off work. Someone who I can act like I am 5 with because I just need a break from being a grown up. Someone who loves me for me and not who they want me to be and just all around is there for me no matter what. Someone who doesn't question it when I randomly start talking about scotch tape but instead joins the conversation. Someone who will go down my random bunny trails with me and adds onto whatever story I am making up. Someone who openly plots on how to take me down after I beat them at something. Someone who mocks my signing then asks me to show them how to do it. Someone who will through their arm around me in the middle of Bible study, or a serious moment and then bursts out singing "Lean on Me" and I can join in with. Someone who gets emotional when they pray because they are really passionate about God and whatever it is we are praying about. Someone who will go to Canada for 10 days with me with no cell phone, computer, or TV and yet finds someone to entertain me for hours. Someone who mocks me for being a night owl even though they secretly love it because of the time difference and their schedule it's the only time we can talk. Someone who I can call "Loser dork!" and they reply with "I love you too." and genuinely mean it. Someone who will help me steal another friend's hat, cell phone, keys, car, or whatever. Someone who lets me steal from them but makes it difficult because they love the game of it as much as I do. Someone who debates me on just about everything under the sun simply because that's our thing. Someone who will start talking about some random conversation we had when they are in the middle of teaching a class. Someone who throws me on a couch then sits on me. Someone who says I have full permission to blow their knees out, just not until after whatever sport they are currently playing is over for the season. Someone tries to butter me up to get me to do something for them even though they know it will do no good. Someone who steals my phone and takes random pictures then sets them as my background. Someone who gives me odd looks then goes and does the exact same thing I just did that caused them to look at me like that. Someone who joins in on my stupid random videos. Someone who looks me straight in the eye and says "Sarah, I am not gonna let you plan your own wedding" and they are totally serious. Someone who listens to what I have to say and genuinely cares, even if they don't understand. Someone who can inspire me to write a song. Someone who will hold me and cry with me on my darkest of days. Someone who writes "Encouragement Alphabets" for me. Someone who truly loves me!

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